Beginning January 1, 2024, California employers will need to provide 40 hours or five days per year of paid sick leave, a 16 hour or 2 day increase per year over the current practice. Employers have two (2) methods available when granting paid sick leave hours.
Lump Sum Methods Of course, employers are still free to provide the full amount of leave up front and don’t need to provide it in two installments. They can also allow employees to use sick leave before completing 120 days of employment. You still don’t have to allow carryover if providing the full amount of leave (i.e., 40 hours or five days) at the beginning of each year using the lump sum method. However, the law doesn’t allow you to avoid carryover if you decide to divvy up an employee’s lump sum leave allotment into 24 and then 16 hours (or any other combination that did not provide the full amount of leave at the start of the year). Use Caps and Carryover Preemption of Local Sick Leave Rules
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